Septic tanks are a vital part to your home, which is why you may have lots of questions about them. See if you can find the answers to your questions here, if not please contact us.
What size tank do i need for my home?
Due to each families individual needs, this question will vary for everyone. Tank size depends on a variety of factors including the kinds of soil it will be placed in, the number of people living in the home, the lifestyle they live, the amount of water they use, and if it is a year round residence or seasonal.
How much do septic tanks cost?
Like the previous question there are alot of factors determining what size tank you will need, and how much it is going to cost. For a more accurate quote, suited to your individual needs, please contact us.
What type of maintenance do septic tanks require?
Pumping your septic tank is one of the best and least expensive means in which to maintain your septic system. Most septic tanks should be pumped every three to five years. Although cleaning frequency depends on household size, water use, and use of a garbage disposal.
Keep your fixtures in good repair. A slow-running toilet can overtax the system by adding large amounts of water.
Pumps and high water alarms should also be checked periodically to ensure they are in working order.
What can cause a system fail?
Septic systems are designs to handle domestic wastewater. Things that do not break down easily can overtax the system which can lead to damage or the need for more frequent cleanings.
Things to avoid putting into your septic inlcude
facial tissue, large amounts of vegetable scrapings, coffee grounds, chemicals, paints, oils, sanitary napkins, tampons and applicators, condoms, medicines, pesticides, poisons, strong disinfectants, etc.
Restrict the use garbage disposals. They add a large amount of organic and inorganic material to your sewage, overtaxing the system and possibly cause it to fail.
Do not pour grease or cooking oil down the drain (including toilet). Grease and oil is hard to break down. It will eventually move into the soil, plugging it off.
How to tell if my system is failing?
​The warning signs of a failing system are:
Sewage surfacing over the drainfield.
Lush, green growth or soggy areas over the drainfield.
Slow or backed up drains, toilets or sinks.
Sewage odours around the property.
Poor well water test results.
If you are having issues with your septic tank, we advice you to get the tank pumped out and call a qualified professional (a plumber, or septic repair company). Septic tanks produce a toxic gas that can lead to serious injury or death.
Do you offer a warrenty on your product
We offer a 20 Year Coniditional warrently on our Precast Septic Tanks
Van's Concrete Products (1994) will warrenty any tanks against defects of the material and workmanship. Van's Concrete Products (1994) Ltd. will replace the tank within the first year, provided installation is proven to be satisfactory and is the first installation of the tank.
After the second year and each additinal year the warranty will decrease by 5% per year until the 20-year lifetime is used up. This warrenty does not include manhole extensions, replacement of materials lost through leakage or any cost or damages associeated with leakage.
Van's Concrete does not assume any liability for a tank damage due to improper installation by a third part, improper use, neglignece, or a tank damaged by any other means. Van's Concrete does not assume any liablilty for any damage to persons or the environment due to dishcharge from the tank.
Should you require further information on this warrenty, please contact our office.